About Us.
What Is ABDI?
The Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois is an association that represents beer wholesalers in Illinois, providing a unified voice for distributors and their employees.
WE ARE the voice of the large and thriving network of beer wholesalers in Illinois, advocating for a strong second tier in Springfield, while providing resources and education for our distributor partners to allow them to best serve their customers, communities and employees.
WE ARE advocates for an independent three-tier system, and believers in the legal and historical place of beer in our society.
WE ARE a resource for beer distributors in Illinois and provide them with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to best serve their customers, communities and employees.
We live and work in Springfield, steps from our state’s capital building because we’re the constant, on-the-ground, in the capital building, conversation having, legislation writing, question asking, argument making voice of Illinois beer distributors.
WE BELIEVE IN A STRONG THREE-TIER SYSTEM. Since the repeal of prohibition, alcoholic beverages in the United States have been controlled by a three-tier, state-based regulatory system, which provides “check and balances” in the way that alcohol is distributed and sold. Each tier has separate ownership and operates independently, which helps to keep manufacturers, distributors and retailers distinct and independent from one another. The three-tier system makes sure that alcohol is not sold to minors, or delivered through improper or unlawful channels. This system also protects the economy by keeping licensed distributors acting in cooperation with federal and state governments to help ensure that alcoholic beverages are reliably collected, allowing large and small retailers alike can profit and thrive.
We believe in the legal and historical place of beer in our society, and that a strong and independent three-tier system is key to maintaining that.
WE PROVIDE LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATION FOR BEER DISTRIBUTORS. We advocate for the goals of Illinois beer distributors in Springfield by encouraging legislation that strengthens the third tier and protects Illinois wholesaler employees and their families. Our goal is to allow the employees of distributors to focus on doing their jobs with excellence and safety because they trust
WE ADVOCATE FOR RESPONSIBLE BEER CONSUMPTION. Through education and advocacy, we encourage responsible beer sales and consumption amongst our distributor partners, retailers and communities.