HB 2878

HB 2878

HB 2878


When a violation of state law takes place in the alcoholic beverage industry, the citation is given out by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC). Currently, this citation is often accompanied by an Offer in Compromise (OIC), which allows the licensee to pay a fine of $500 to continue doing business. However, on many occasions, the offense is not fully stipulated. Often, the specifics of the violation are not included, let alone the location where the offense took place.

SB 1588

SB 1588

SB 1588


Some breweries are too small to produce the amount of beer they want to sell. Instead of scaling up their operations, they utilize “contract brewers” to help produce large scale amounts of their product. Contract brewers have the infrastructure to produce large volumes of their own beer, as well as take on the needs of smaller breweries who are not established or do not care to take on the additional costs of a large scale facility.